Asia Investment Research is jointly produced by China Investment Research and Dezan Shira & Associates. We provide unique, primary source reconciled data related to China and Asian inbound investment on a quarterly basis in addition to specific country profiles. We monitor all Asia inbound investment on a global basis, by country of origin, industry and by type, including both equity and debt. This is combined with pertinent regulatory updates to illustrate where current investment trends are appearing and where future trends will appear.
Who Should Read Asia Investment Research?
Our publication is aimed at Government Trade Officials, Banking, Financial Institutions and Researchers, PE, Equity and Pension Fund Managers, Lawyers, Corporate Financiers and Executives searching for the latest Asian inbound investment data intelligence.
- The November and December 2021 issues of Asia Investment Research are available on a complimentary basis.
- To access our December 2021 Attracting China Minority Stakeholders report please click here.
- To access our November 2021 Asia Inbound & Outbound Investment Q3 report please click here.